Who We Are

Founded in early 2012, Association of Chinese Entrepreneurs at Berkeley is the largest Chinese entrepreneurial community at UC Berkeley. Our mission is to connect entrepreneurial individuals, consolidate entrepreneurship network, and incubate future industry leaders.

Our Events

In the past, we have held events with 20+ partners including: Zhenfund (真格基金), 500 Startups, DCM, Innovation Works (创新工场), Legend Star, InnoSpring, Technode, Pingwest, GWC, HYSTA; and companies including Tencent, Alibaba, UC Web, Papaya Mobile, and Dolphin Browser. We provide valuable learning and networking opportunities for our members through a wide range of entrepreneurship events/programs and extensive collaboration with other communities in US universities, Silicon Valley and China.

Our Services

The Association of Chinese Entrepreneurs also partners with many successful startups and companies, as well as early stage venture capitals from China to help them source deals. We actively collect startup pitch decks / business plans as well as personal resumes to build a large bank of entrepreneurial database. This will not only help us offer more resources to our partners, but also help you receive more attention from industrial leaders and investors.


Changran Hu Co-President

清华电子+Berkeley MIMS

本科期间cofound DeepMusic (GenAI for Music)

获李健 腾讯 GGV等$10m+投资

Engineering Manager @SambaNova (AI chip Unicorn)

Sophia Li Co-President

Haas MBA 2025, 连续创业者,




Vice Presidents

Lance Vice-President

MIT MBA 2027

AI Engineer@Google

Bingran You Vice-President

Ph.D. candidate

Applied Science & Technology

Sunny Zhou Vice-President



Sherry Yang Vice-President


Intended majors: Mathematics + Data Science